The day finally came. I finished my Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering and it was a wonderful experience.
My father in-law and my beautiful wife.
My Experience
I was able to finish in less than 4 years so I was studying non-stop. However, there were many people who helped me along the way who I owe this degree to. First, God, for giving me the opportunity to meet people that changed my life and for always loving me regardless of the mistakes I've made in my life. My wife for being so supportive and push me to my full potential and help me become what I am. Next, my sponsor, who helped me get started on my college career and gave me the first push. My parents who believed in me and were always proud of me for being the first one to go to college and graduate. My in-laws to held me in their arms as their own. My wife's extended family, who were always proud of me and loved me unconditionally.
Here are some of the pictures from the graduation:
Waiting for the convocation to start. |
Here we go! |
I'm glad she asked me how to pronounce my name. |
Mom and Bart. Always there supporting me. |
Grandpa and Grandma Linsday....and of course, Jamis. |
The Robertson Twins. I think it's Eljay, Me and then Jarom...or is it the other way. (wait, I see the ring). |
This was practically the Civil Engineering Faculty, Dr. Jim Lawrence and Dr. Nathan Harris. |
As always, thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you come back often. Don't forget to check out my wife's blog about fitness, health and diet; she is a genious and can help you get in the shape of your life! ¡Gracias!
Posted in Family Time, Graduation
Graduation Day!