Jun 3, 2015

New Pack Member!

Jefferson (now named "Rocky")

After having Loki for a couple of months, we had been playing with the idea of getting a second dog.  We had developed many skills as not only dog trainers but as a couple working together in a big project--trust me, having dog is a big one.  We have learned to communicate better as we've trained Loki and discipline him.  Because of our success, defined by the obedience of Loki and quickness to learn new tricks, we decided to help another shelter dog. 

Jefferson, as he was named when we met him.

We attended an annual local adoption event where we stumbled upon a wonderful dog who caught our attention right away.  We then found that he was 3 years old and had heartworm (high), which was one of the reason why he has had 3 homes previously.  We fell in love with how sweet and his low calm energy.  Loki got a chance to play with him and give his approval! 

Heartworm Medication

With his medical condition in mind and knowing that he had been picked up by the animal shelter multiple times before being put in the animal shelter, we decided to adopt him.  Because heartworm medication can be expensive, Jefferson's mom had started a funding program for him at:


Here, donation can be made to help pay for his injections, three of them, which will be starting in less 2 weeks.  So this is where we ask for your help, my loyal followers and fellow visitor.  We appreciate your help in advance and we hope to raise the ~$200 that he needs.

New Home

Although it seemed for a moment that Rocky was invading Loki's castle, he has accepted Rocky with much love.  They love to play all the time!  

Next to my new brother on my first day at my new home!

Loki, me, and Rocky
With time, Rocky and Loki are adjusting to these changes.  It was a bit overwhelming at first but with time, Rocky is beginning to learn basic commands such as sit, down, and we are working on shake.  However, we are mainly focusing on him feeling loved and comfortable in his new home.  We are focusing on discipline, routine, and obedience through exercise, and consistency.  He is a smart dog that has survived cars running over, dog fights, and domestic abuse from previous owners.  We are trying to give him a better life, help him survive this heartworm treatment, and prolong his lifespan.  

We will keep you guys up to date on the integration of our new pack member.  As always...¡Gracias!