Aug 24, 2014

Why You Should Invest in a DSLR Camera

     Here's why...have you ever been amazed at how amazing a picture is?  Is it the quality?  Is it the lighting?  Well, it's all of the above, as well with some experience, and equipment and other accessories.  This was a luxury couple of years, but the good news is that things have changed, and although not everyone can be a professional photographer and make it their full-time job, it's a hobby that can be adopted without spending all your savings!
Nikon D3300

     In recent years, the world of photography has changed dramatically.  Ever since prices for Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras have declined, many people are investing in a high-quality camera.  Some buy these cameras to start a new business, or just to take pictures of family and other adventures.  Whatever your motive is, I'd like to share with you the reasons why my wife and I decided to invest in one, because yes, we saw it as an investment.  

What We Bought: Nikon D3300

     First, when we were looking for a DSLR camera, we wanted to find a good deal and spend a reasonable amount of money.  We also wanted to buy from a brand that has a reputation for photography.  Also, we wanted to try some models out and since my in-law had purchased a Nikon D3100, we found that it met our needs.  It was simple, easy to use, and the features were sufficient for us to get the quality of pictures we wanted.  The price was also reasonable.  I will also share some tips at the end of this post about what we should've know before we bought our first DSLR camera.  

Our camera came with a second lens, an AF-S NIKKOR 55-200mm.  We bought our camera for $800, which for us was a decent prices since it came with other accessories that were a plus.


     As mentioned previously, the prices for high-quality cameras have decreased and therefore are more accessible to the majority of people.   You can find them at a price range of $500-900.  You can also find packages that include the body, lenses, memory cards, and other filters, as well of accessories that might be handy.  I recommend not to pay a lot more that you have to.  You can spend a lot of money on a DSLR camera, up to $1000+, but until you become more acquainted with photography and have developed good skills, stick to the basics and learn as much as you can.  So if you don't have this type of money laying around, start saving.   As a college student, we didn't have the money, but we saved until we were able to pay for it cash.   


     One of the main reason why you would get a DSLR camera is for the quality.  They can produce images with more megapixels, which reduces that "grainy" look.  You can also modify your pictures using software such as Photoshop or Lightroom.  These can allow you do add some texture, exposure or make other modifications.  Having the correct lens also allows you to zoom in an object without losing the quality. 


     The quality of a picture is only one of the many feature that you can use with a DSLR camera.  For example, you have probably seen on professional pictures is the blurring of the background, also called "bokeh."  As you can see on the pictures below, the object stand out by blurring the back of the room.  This allows you to focus on the person or object that you are interested in.  

Nikon S6100 (Coolpix)

Nikon D3300
     Another feature is the shutter speed, which is allows you to determine how long you want the shutter to be open.  For example, a moving object will look blurred using a regular camera.  By increasing the shutter speed, you can capture a moving object and in a sense "freeze them." 

Photo by
     This may not be what you want in some cases such as a waterfall.  As you can see on the picture below, three pictures are taken with different shutter speeds.  This can also be used when taking pictures of fireworks where the shutter speed is decreased to allow more light to come in.

Photo by
     Another feature that has been helpful to us was filming videos.  The quality is incredible and we are beginning to use our camera to film family videos as well as videos for YouTube.  My wife is actually working on a couple of health and fitness videos for her blog that are coming soon.  

     I am in no way a professional photographer but I have learned these skills by watching videos, manuals and asking other experienced photographers.  Although there are many guides and classes to teach you these skills, you can learn these by just getting out there and practice with friends and family.


      Just like everything else, you get what you pay for.  Most DSLR cameras, at least the one we own, are solid, durable, and sometimes slightly heavy (or just heavier than your point-and-shoot cameras). There's a wide variety of brands, models, and features to choose from, so find the one that is best for you.  Don't get hung up on getting the "best" one out there.

     I would recommend looking at different brands and trying them out.  Hold them, see how they fit with your hands.  Make sure it's comfortable and not so heavy that you won't want to take it with you.


  • Do some research on models, prices and features.
  • Get a chance to hold some and try taking pictures with it.
  • Make sure it is easy to use (user-friendly controls, buttons, and design if it's touchscreen)
  • Ask people why they bought the camera they have.
  • Try and get packages with more than just one lens.  (Many people buy packages just to get the lenses and then sell the camera).
  • Have fun and practice!

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