May 27, 2015

Back to blogging

Welcome back!

First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my blog.  It's been over 6 months since I my last post but it feels like years.  I recently just finished my second semester of graduate school here at Texas A&M.  Our experience in moving here has not only strengthened us, but it has changed us in ways that we did not expect.  We had some challenges as we adapted to the new environment but have had lots of fun in the process.  The weather here is as expected.  Our seasons go from summer to hell to cold rainy winter and back to hell again.  I wish we could say we got a nice tan with all this sun, but it's so hot that we spend most of our time at work or at school inside, but we are beginning to change that.

Some of the big changes is we have a new addition to the Morales Family!  His name is Loki and we got him at 2 months before they were going to put him down.  It has been such an adventure and a learning experience for both of us, not only on how to train a dog, but on how we have trained ourselves at the same time.  With time, we have asked a question...Who rescued who?
We adopted our first family dog.

He loves to cuddle and stare at you while you eat.

We got him a backpack to carry his treats and to give him a job.

He is now 7 months old at almost 50 lbs...and still growing.

Fitness Update

Fitness Update: We have started the Body Beast workout again for the second time.  We did the whole 90 days last fall and we saw some amazing results!  Nevertheless, we fell short on some things that we now are changing.  We are keeping track of not only our calorie intake, but the type of calories.  Keeping a more balanced diet and with less sugar.  We have learned through research and after watching a great documentary called "Fed Up" the addictive power of sugar and it's potential danger to our bodies.  We love our treats, and my wife loves to bake, so that is one big change that we are implementing this time.  

We are now starting week 4 and we are beginning to see the difference.  I will upload some progress pictures soon.  In the meantime, I would recommend you to try this workout routine to see some amazing results.  And if you are a girl and are reading this, lifting weights will not make you huge!  Cupcakes and junk food will!  

Stay tuned for my next post, where I will be sharing some topics such as:

  • Things my parents never taught me
  • Things I wish I knew before getting married
  • Things I learned on my mission (LDS) that have saved my life
  • and more.....

and as always....¡Gracias!